Introduces the grid portal development, expatiates the technology criterion and developing method about the second generation grid portal, analyses the development direction of grid portal. 介绍网格门户的发展历程,重点阐述了开发第二代网格门户的技术规范和开发方法,分析网格门户的发展趋势。
Given the demand of different navigation functions, the road network is divided into different regions ( blocks) according to the rules of a regular grid or a district, in a horizontal direction. 在水平方向上根据不同导航功能的需要,以规则的格网或行政区等为单位将道路网划分为不同的区域。
Realization of power grid double direction automatic backup power supply switching function based on stability control device platform 基于稳控装置平台的电网双向备用电源自投功能的实现
An Enhancement Algorithm of Cluster Boundaries Precision Based on Grid's Density Direction 基于网格密度方向的聚类簇边缘精度加强算法
The pseudo diffusion can be effectively reduced by using a grid system which is consistent with the flow direction. 采用与流动方向较一致的网格体系能有效地减小伪扩散。
In addition, a logarithmic grid in the vertical direction is employed, which increases resolution of the flow in the neighborhood of both sides of the interface, thus contributes to reproducing the characteristics of wave boundary. 为提高水-泥层界面附近流动的分辨力,特别是波浪边界层的特性,采用了对数网格的数值处理技巧。
At last, we summarize the significance of service grid to broadband business and illustrate the prospective research direction. 最后总结了服务网格给电信宽带业务模式转变带来的重大革新价值和未来的发展方向。
Body-fitted coordinate is adopted in horizontal plane, part grid is adopted in vertical direction, wall-function method is employed to simulate the bed resistance. 该模型在水平方向采用非正交曲线坐标,在垂直方向采用等分网格的全坐标变换,对河道底部表面和两岸壁面使用壁面函数法处理。
Triangular grid system is adopted in the horizontal direction to make the model more adaptive to irregular boundary shape. 水平方向用无结构三角网格,较好地适应不规则形状边界;
The development state of grid materials is reviewed, and the development direction and market foreground of grid materials for lead acid batteries are also viewed. 综述了国内外板栅材料的发展状况,并展望了铅电池板栅材料的发展方向及其市场前景。
So task-role-based access control in the Access Grid is an important research direction of grid research. 因此,AccessGrid中基于任务和角色的访问控制是网格研究中的重要方向。
The cold flow field in the tangential firing boiler furnace is numerically studied by using ALE algorithm together with a grid system which is consistent with the flow direction in the furnace. 采用ALE算法,选用与流动方向较一致的网格体系,对四角切向燃烧煤粉锅炉炉膛内冷态流场进行了模拟。
Therefore, distributed generation, load-side management and other new power-control means the current power grid has become the main direction of optimal operation of the study. 因此,分布式发电、负荷侧管理等新兴电网调控手段就成为现今电网优化运行研究的主要方向。
With the grid structure toward the direction of the development of the intelligent network, power quality has become a prominent issue. 随着电网结构向着智能网络化方向的发展,电能质量成为一个突出的问题。
Smart Grid is thought to be the intending direction of the power grid. It rapidly became a hot topic of the power industry and academic community as soon as it was put forth. 智能电网被认为是未来电网的发展方向,一经提出就成为电力行业和整个学术界的热门话题。
Intelligent dispatching, as an important part of smart grid, is the new development direction of dispatching automation system. 智能电网是未来电力系统的发展趋势,智能调度作为智能电网建设的重要环节,是电网调度自动化系统发展的新方向。
The grid is a new research direction in the filed of distributed computing, will be playing an increasingly vital role in the future, attracting a large number of experts to devote to the grid. 网格是分布式计算领域中的一个新兴研究方向,在未来社会中发挥着越来越重要的作用,吸引了大批专家致力于网格的研究。
Smart Grid is one of the main development direction of power network in the future, and the smart distribution grid is the key part. 智能电网,是未来电网发展的方向,而智能配电网是发展智能电网的重点。
The grid division in vertical direction is based mostly on the velocity model of the research area, and the grid division in level direction mostly by the distribution of the stations, earthquakes and seismic rays in the research area. 垂直方向的网格划分主要是依据研究区域的速度模型;水平方向的网格划分主要依据是研究区域内台站和地震的分布以及地震射线的覆盖情况。
According to the characteristics of the tensor model, first using the grid subdivision, we quickly determined the direction of the regional characteristics roughly; further according to the area segmentation and iterative we obtain the accurate of high order tensor model features direction. 该方法根据张量模型的特征,首先利用网格细分快速确定特征方向的大致区域,进一步针对该区域进行细分,从而迭代获得精确的高阶张量模型特征方向。
Smart grid as future development and reform direction of power system, has become the focus of attention all over the world. 智能电网作为未来电力系统发展变革的方向,现已成为世界各国关注的焦点。
This method can generate dynamic spherical surface multi-resolution grid according to the change of viewpoint position and direction, moreover, can transit between the different levels of detail continuously. 3. 该方法根据视点位置和方向的变化动态生成球面多分辨率网格,实现了不同细节之间的平滑过渡。
Grid effect is crucial to aerothermal simulation. Heat transfer prediction is very sensitive to grid spacing in normal direction near the wall. 气动热的数值模拟中,网格因素非常关键,计算结果对网格,特别是壁面附近的法向网格间距十分敏感。
Smart grid has become the inevitable direction of the electric power system development and reform in our country and even the world, meanwhile intelligent distribution network is the key research object. 智能电网现已成为我国乃至世界电力系统发展改革的必然方向,与此同时智能化的配电网又是其重点研究的对象。
UHV power grid construction is the direction of power distribution in our country, and the localization will also is the development trend of the UHV equipment. 特高压电网建设是我国电力布局的大方向,而特高压装备的国产化也将是发展趋势。
The OGSA model is a model of service Oriented and the combining result of the Web Service and Grid technology, which is a kind of development direction about future computing mode and built by elementary and advanced services. OGSA模型是一种完全面向服务的模型,是Web服务与网格技术相融合的产物,是未来计算模式的一种发展趋势,一般由基本服务和高级服务组成。
Currently Power grid construction has become the main direction of electric power construction, and the future is enticing. 目前电网建设已成为我国电力建设的主要方向,电网建设前景诱人。
Use of the grid of map and the methods of adding direction on the map coordinates. 使用了栅格化地图和给地图坐标点添加方向的方法。
Currently, the distributed computing, particularly the grid computing is a very focused direction in the study field. The P2P technology and the Grid technology have many similarities, and we believe this system will be designed to play a useful reference. 目前分布式计算,特别是网格计算是研究领域非常焦点的一个方向,P2P技术和网格技术有着很多相似之处,相信本文所设计系统也会对网格计算起到一定的借鉴意义。